Today the State Attorney’s Office 20th Judicial Circuit launched a new and improved website as well as social media accounts. You can now find us on Facebook and Instagram. The public will be able to keep up with current news and events from our office and State Attorney Amira Fox through social media and our site.
“I am excited to bring our office closer to the people we serve. These social media outlets will allow the citizens of Southwest Florida to be more connected to the many things our office handles. Our new website is extremely user friendly to help visitors find what they need,” said State Attorney Fox.
Our Facebook is “Amira Fox State Attorney” and our Instagram is @AmiraFoxStateAttorney. The new website is at our previous web address,
The social media accounts are not for media inquiries. Media questions should still be directed to Communications Director Samantha Syoen via email or phone.
Samantha Syoen
Communications Director
State Attorney’s Office