Gavin Christian Pratt, 23, was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading straight to the court
for a violation of probation on a possession of child pornography case. The defendant admitted
he violated his probation and the Honorable Judge George Richards sentenced him. The
defendant chose to give up his right to a violation of probation hearing with the plea to the judge.
It is not a plea agreement.
A criminal traffic charge violated his probation. Pratt had just completed a prison sentence of
four years in prison for his original case. Three months after his release, in early 2019, he was
involved in a traffic crash. On January 22, Pratt was convicted of Leaving the Scene of a Crash
following a two-day trial in Charlotte County. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail, a fine, and
court costs on that case.
Assistant State Attorney Scott Patterson handled the probation violation. Assistant State Attorney
Brett Gold prosecuted the criminal traffic case.
Samantha Syoen
Communications Director
State Attorney’s Office