Hugo Lujambio Carabajal, 40, of Cypress, Texas, was found guilty of Impersonating a Law
Enforcement Officer with a Weapon or Firearm, Unlawful Use of Blue Lights, and three counts
of False Imprisonment with a Weapon or Firearm, following a trial in Collier County.
In 2019 the defendant was visiting Collier County and pulled up alongside a family who had just
pulled their pick-up truck in front of their townhome. There was a man driving the truck, his 4-
year-old son in the back seat, and his 19-year-old cousin in the passenger seat.
The defendant, driving a black Ford Explorer with blue lights attached, jumped out with his hand
on what the victims say was a firearm. Carabajal ordered the family to put their hands on their
dashboard and they complied. The family believed the defendant, who was wearing tactile
clothing, was a law enforcement officer. Soon after, he left the scene.
About five hours later, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office got a call from a local tow yard who
said a man asked if he could store his law enforcement vehicle there. The deputies got to the tow
yard at the same time as the defendant. They saw he was wearing a body camera and realized he
was the man from the earlier incident. They verified he did not work for the agency he claimed
to. He was then taken into custody. A loaded firearm was found in the console of his vehicle.
Assistant State Attorneys Brock Frazier and Brian Ashby prosecuted the case. Sentencing is
scheduled for July 19th.
Samantha Syoen
Communications Director
State Attorney’s Office