Defendant Michael Hickman Pleads Guilty

Defendant Michael Hickman plead guilty today and was sentenced to the statutory maximum of 15 years in prison followed by 15 years probation for two counts of DUI Manslaughter. This was for the September 2009 crash in North Fort Myers that killed Karinne O’Malley and Ann McFall. The victims were nuns.

When Hickman is released from prison in 15 years, during his 15 years of probation, he can have no alcohol, must undergo random alcohol screenings, and must give one lecture a year at a church or school about the dangers of alcohol abuse. If he violates any aspect of his probation, he could face another 15 years in prison.

Aside from this plea agreement being the maximum penalty, we also worked with the families of the victims who wanted to avoid having to go through a trial.

Assistant State Attorneys Susan Dendy and Devin George handled the case.

Samantha Syoen
Communications Director
State Attorney’s Office