Life in Prison for Attempted Murder

Victor Dongrell Wilson, 28, of Fort Myers was sentenced to life in prison for Attempted Second Degree Murder with a Firearm for shooting at a cab driver. He was also sentenced to 30 years in prison for Attempted Robbery with a Firearm and 30 years in prison for Shooting At or Into an Occupied Vehicle stemming from the same incident. Wilson was designated and sentenced as a Habitual Felony Offender and Prison Releasee Reoffender. He was convicted by a Lee County jury following a three day trial in April. 

The crime occurred in December 2016 when the victim was stopped at the intersection of Carrell Road and Broadway in Fort Myers. Wilson walked up to the cab and wanted to hire the victim, but the victim refused because he had another customer waiting for him. Wilson walked a few feet away, then turned around and approached the car again. This time he pointed a pistol at the victim’s head and demanded that he give him all his money. The victim sped off and Wilson fired at the cab, hitting it four times. One of the bullets narrowly missed the driver, had he not moved his head in time. 

Wilson was located shortly after within a few blocks of the incident after the victim called 911. Detectives recovered the gun used during the crime a few feet from where Wilson was located under a car. It was later confirmed as the weapon used in the shooting.

Assistant State Attorney Brenda Wade prosecuted the case.

Samantha Syoen
Communications Director
State Attorney’s Office