Procedural Update for State v. Jose Bonilla (Zombicon Shooting)

Due to the volume of Chapter 119 requests for case #18-000093CF State v. Jose Bonilla, this is to let you know public record is now available. The cost to produce will be split with those on the initial acceptance list to retrieve the public record. Please notify me by 5 p.m. today if you would like to be part of the first release of documents and evidence. Currently the cost is under $300 if only one entity wants the public record. This first public release consists of documents, audio, and photographs. 

I will provide a final cost in the morning based on how many reply to this notice. 

You do not have to participate in retrieving public record in this manner and at any time are able to request public record and will be given an estimate for your request. Upon approval of your estimate, your request will be fulfilled. No public record in State v. Bonilla will be ready until tomorrow.

Samantha Syoen
Communications Director
State Attorney’s Office